Thursday, October 30, 2008


I can't say the word let alone spell it, but I am in such a state of discombobulation.
Yeah really, if you don't believe me, look around my house. Kids sleeping on the floor, husband's, wait what is that a husband? not that we see him much, shoes on the floor.
Did I just step in bird poop?? Who left the back patio door open?
If you take your clothes off and they are dirty do they go on the floor??
I don't know where your favorite shorts are. If they are not in your drawer than they are in the dirty clothes....Oh they aren't there did you check under your bed? Or how about under the couch.
Trip fall.
Did you not see your brother crawling under your feet.
Watch out before shutting the door....WHAAAAA...Timmy's hand is there.
Emails, how many unread emails....couldn't be 517...I need to read them.
Bannngggg...what the heck? Timmy get out of the oven drawer, stop throwing the pans on the floor.

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