Saturday, July 5, 2008

Sunday Morning

"Come on kids we need to get going, or you will miss Sunday School." said mom as she marched out the door with her three little kids in a row like baby ducklings. Tired of bringing them alone, she ignored her lounging husband reading the paper in the recliner. "Why can't you ever just get yourself dressed and help me once with Sunday mornings. It sure would make my life easier." she murmured to herself, almost audible to her husband, who surprisingly replied, "I am sorry dear did you say anything?"

"No dear. Have a nice morning." she said smugly not even looking at him, dressed in his most comfortable pj's, robe and fuzzy slipper. He was chuckling at the funnies as they shut the door.

Jr. asked as they got into their silver mini van, "Can I stay home with Dad next week? It isn't fair that I have to go to church and he doesn't!"

"Oh be quiet" quickly responded Priscilla, "Dad is the one missing out not you."

"That is so not true. I could be home playing dinoquad or the WII instead of listening to Sister Hairy Mole Face teach the same old lessons over and over again."

"Kids, kids, now please, lets keep this a happy sabbath." Mom chimed in.

"But it's just not fair." Jr. replied.

Oh if they only knew, mom thought, they have no idea of whats not fair.

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