Monday, August 18, 2008

Police Car

"Oh mommy look what I drew." eagerly said Gregory as he ran across the room to show his mom who was seated in a chair rocking her newborn.

'My goodness did you do this all by yourself? It is beautiful. I love how you did the colorful square border. And your police car is the best car I think by far that you have painted. You are quite the artist." she gushed over her young son's art.

"I worked really hard on it in art. Ms. Spurlock said I was her best student she has had in a long time."

"I'd have to agree with that."

"Thanks mom."

"You are welcome. So how was your day at school." she said as she lifted her drowsy new baby boy to her shoulder to burp him.

Police Car Poster by Sophie Harding

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